
Our maths Intent at Eastway is for all children to:

  • Fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum
  • Lay the foundations needed for successful learning through the robust delivery of our Easter Matters Early Years Curriculum which is tailored to pupil's needs 
  • Develop a deep knowledge of mathemtical facts and procedures that are essential to their future success.  For this reason, we put a high emphasis on numeracy within our maths curriculum.
  • To close any gaps children may have in their knowledge through quality teaching and targetted intervention so that no child is disdvantaged
  • Bring learning to life as children have real-life experiences of maths in their world.  We use practical apparatus, called manipulatives, in our lessons to help children see and understond complex mathemtical ideas rather than simply following a procedure without understanding.
  • Develops independent learners who are confident in their ability to learn maths.
  • Love learning about maths!
Maths Implementation at Eastway 
To achieve these aims, we have carefully mapped out exactly what children learn in each year group.  Following the disruption to your child's education due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have a recovery curriculum in place.  The aim of this is to catch your child up as quickly as we can by identifying gaps in their knowledge and prioritising the core content that they will need to be successful as they move into the next year group.
Please see the summary of the recovery curriculum for your child's year group below:
In addition this, we also use progression documents that shows a child's learning journey through one strand of maths.  This helps us to support you child to recall what they have already learned and build upon it.  This helps your child change their long term memory of key ideas in maths as ideas are regularly returned to and deepened.
If a child is struggling to grasp an idea in maths, we use this document to track back to the underlying missing knowledge your child may have and give them the crucial learning experiences they need to plug this gap and acclerate their progress back to their year group's expectation.
Learning to be able add, subtract, multiply and divide confidently and accurately is a really important mathematical skill.  In the early years up to Y3, we focus on developing a firm understanding of numbers and how we work with them.  In Y4 to Y6 we then build from this understanding to master formal written methods of calculation.  Please see our calculation policy below that sets out the method of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division we teach in each year group.
As with our other progression documents, we use this to unpick any difficulties children may be having and go back and teach to any difficulties htey may be having.
To check your child has learned what we have intended them to, we set short tasks within lessons to see how much your child has understood and adapt our lessons from their to meet their needs.
To get a picture of what your child is retaining over time, we use the prior learning checks at the beginning of each lesson, complete quizzes at the end of each week, look at the work they have completed in their books.   From the end of Y1, children sit a maths test each term so that we can see what they have remembered when working completely independently.  After this, class teachers check through for any key knowledge your child may not have fully grasped and will teach them this and give them time to consolidate it fully.  Teachers use all of this information to assess whether your child is meeting the standard expected each half term.  Miss Coverdale, our maths lead, reviews all assessments along with Mrs Morris and meets with teachers to come up with plans to help children who may have fallen behind.
We will let you know how your child is getting on in maths each term in their parent/carer mettings and reports.   We will also give you opportunities to see their work in their books throughout the year.  If you would like any further information, please contact your child's class teacher or contact the school office.