Religious Education (RE) at Eastway 

RE Intent

At Eastway, we aim for our RE curriculum to be:

  • Well Designed and Delivered, fulfilling the requirements of Wirral's agreed syllabus.  We lay the foundations needed for successful learning through the robust delivery of our Easter Matters Early Years Curriculum which is tailored to pupil's needs 
  • Knowledge-Rich so that children build deep knowledge in RE that they return to and build upon as they move through school
  • Closing the Gap: we carefully check children have the prior learning they need to be successful in a lesson and take action to support them fill any gaps they may have.  We also check how well they are acquiring new knowledge in the lesson to adapt the lesson to their needs and provide additional support or challenge for children who need so that all children achieve our ambitious learning focus.
  • Bring Learning to Life as children have real-life experiences of religious beliefs, practices and places in their world
  • Develop children as active, independent learners who are Ready, Respectful, Responsible
  • Develop a respect for a wide range of views, celebrating these different viewpoints and challenging and stereotypes or intolerance
  • Love learning about RE!
RE Implementation at Eastway 
To achieve these aims, we have carefully mapped out exactly what children learn in each year group, the summary of this is shown below:

 At Eastway, RE is taught as a standalone subject following the Wirral agreed syllabus. 

 We take an inquiry approach to our RE lessons, children learn about religious stories and people, celebrations, beliefs, lifestyles, ethics and communities.  Through this, we encouraging children to

  • Foster a sense of curiosity about beliefs
  • Develop a sense of awe and wonder about the world around them
  • Think deeply about big questions, asking why as much as possible
  • Treasure and appreciate differences in different beliefs, lifestyles and cultures
  • Empathise with those who see things differently to them
  • Challenge stereotypes  
  • Reflect on their own beliefs and choices
In our RE lessons at Eastway, you will see Children:
  • Taking part in lots of discussion
  • Reflecting on a stimulus such as a story, asking questions about it to deepen their understanding
  • Investigating beliefs that underpin stories, celebrations, ethics and lifestyles
  • Drawing conclusions from what they have found and sharing this with their classmates
  • Reflecting on what they have learned in their own life
RE Impact
To check your child has learned what we have intended them to, we set short tasks within lessons to see how much your child has understood and adapt our lessons from their to meet their needs.  We use knowledge checkers with key facts for each lesson to help focus children's minds on the important parts of the lesson and to assess whether they have understood these.
To get a picture of what your child is retaining over time, we use the prior learning checks at the beginning of each lesson, complete quizzes at the end of each week, look at the work they have completed in their books and complete end of unit impact summaries.  These reviews of learning are completed by their class teacher, our RE lead and our SLT 
We will let you know how your child is getting on in RE in their end of year report and will give you opportunities to see their work in books throughout the year.  If you would like any further information, please contact your child's class teacher or contact the school office.