Year 4

Miss H Lynch


Mrs M Cox

Teaching Assistant

Welcome to Year 4's class page!
How can we already be in the Summer term? I hope you have all had a lovely two week break and are recharged and ready to return to school. This half term we are going to be so busy consolidating our times table knowledge ready for our Multiplication Check in June, writing a refugee narrative and finding out if we are the next Vivienne Westwood.  
Reading is so important and we encourage children to bring their reading books to school daily. You could also log in to Read Theory to test your comprehension skills. 
Children have access to Times Tables Rock Stars and are encouraged to log in daily to improve their times table knowledge.
You can find all of the information about what your child will be learning in the documents below.
If you have any questions or queries please don't hesitate to contact us on 
Miss Lynch and Mrs Cox
Each day children should read for 15-20mins, entering this into their reading log. Your child should bring their completed reading record book into school in the morning. 
Children have access to Read Theory which they can use to supplement their daily reading. 
Keep an eye out on the school website for updates relating to home learning! 
If you would like to do further practice of key skills, please use the links to online practice below.  
If your child has forgotten their login, please email me on and I'll send them over to you.
Further information