Mrs C Holmes
Miss Jayne Lasnier
Teaching Assistant
Miss Alice Carrington
Teaching Assistant
Apollo Base
Spring 2
Spring 2! We are looking forward to a half term filled with fun, learning and better weather!
This is Apollo bases class web page, here you will find all the information you will need about our curriculum and timetable. We are looking forward to getting to know each other and having lots of fun along the way. .
When your child begins to access inclusion into the mainstream classes please read their class web page for more information.
As always we are available to talk to via the Class Dojo App or by phone.
If your child accesses inclusion, please look on their current years web page to see the curriculum content.
Helpful Links
Home Learning
Each week we like to talk about what the children have done at the weekend. This encourages communication and recall as well as being an exciting activity for the children. Please send pictures to Mrs Holmes using the Class Dojo App before 8:30am on Monday morning so that I can print out photographs ready for our news time.