Mrs Tomlinson
Teaching Assistant
Welcome to Autumn 2!
In Year 6, we have so many exciting things planned for you all to enjoy! We will be investigating fossils, rocking out in the hall and learning lots of important life skills! We might even have a few special trips planned in too! Make sure you get in everyday to enjoy what is one of the most exciting half terms in Year 6!
Home learning:
Reading- children should read their assigned book everyday and this should be recorded in their blue reading record.
Maths- Timestable rockstars should be completed for 15 minutes everyday.
Spelling- Children should learn their 10 weekly spellings and write these out in their green spelling books.
Eastway Encyclopaedia- Children should complete their weekly task in their home learning book weekly. This should be returned on a tuesday.
There is an opportunity for children to catch up on homework on a monday evening after school, should they need it.