Year 6

Mr L Thomas


Welcome to Summer 1! 
What a fabulous few months it is going to be! Swimming, outdoor learning and lots of memories to be made. 
Miss T Gumley

Teaching Assistant

Home learning
Each day children should read for 15-20mins, entering this into their reading log. 
Children should work on Timestable Rockstars for 10 minutes everyday. They should also log onto Read Theory for 10 minutes per day. There are prizes to be won for those who log on the most!
If you would like any support with your child's learning or have any questions, I will monitor the Year 6 email even more closely as the children work so hard each evening. 
Please note we have homework club available on a Monday at lunchtime in Year 6 :) 
Thank you for working as a team with us to support our Eastway family.