
Get in on time, for 5 to 9!

Rise and Shine, and be on Time!


Being late to school has a huge impact on the child, class and teacher.  Most of our children who are regularly late show that they are uncomfortable entering class after the lesson has started.  It is parents/carers responsibility to get them here on time.

Being late can:

  •          Disrupt Lessons
  •          Affect Achievement
  •          Embarrass/upset your child


Did you know ……

The children don’t go to assembly first thing anymore, their day starts at 8:45am with their first lesson starting at 9:00am promptly.  This first lesson is also one of the most important of the day, covering key skills like Phonics & Spellings.  Being on time means your child is not missing out.


Something to consider …..

  •   5 minutes late every day adds up to 3 days of school lost a year
  •   10 minutes late every day adds up to 6 days lost every year
  •   15 minutes late every day adds up to 10 days lost every year
  •   20 minutes late every day adds up to 13 days lost every year
  •   30 minutes late every day adds up to 19 days lost every year!


RioRegularly In On-time

Rio, the Punctuality Parrot, is keeping a close eye on all our pupils making sure they are in school on time.  Our children will be given a Rio Card each week, if they get 5 stamps to say they were in on time, their name will be put into a prize drawer! 


Helpful tips:

o   Pack school bags and lunch boxes the night before

o   Lay out clothes ready

o   Set up an area by the front door with all the things they’ll need as you’re leaving, hat/scarf/homework

o   Play some fun music as a countdown to being ready – music will also help put people in a good mood

o   Make sure your children have an early night, so they are up on time for school!!