Enterprise Base KS2

Mr Sinnott

Enterprise Teacher

Class Dojo

Mr Monks

Enterprise Base Support Staff

Mrs Forsey

Enterprise Base Support Staff

Welcome to Enterprise

Happy New Year! Welcome back to Spring half term.  


 There is lots going on in Enterprise this half term. 


In English we will be reading the text 'The Journey'.

Here is a link to The Journey by Francesca Sanna.


In Maths we will be apply the times tables we focused on last half term to written methods of multiplication (short multiplication) and division ('bus stop' method).

Although we have covered times tables, Times Tables Rockstars is a fantastic resource and we would like children to access this regularly. Click here. If a login is needed, please message on Dojo or via the school office.


In Science we will be learning about evolution and the properties of materials.


In History, we will be learning about the Romans.


Our life skills target is learning to cut and chop correctly when making food. 


Let's have a great half term together!

Mr Sinnott and all the Enterprise staff.

Class Dojo
Please remember to connect to our class Dojo if you haven't already. Here, you will be able to directly communicate with Mr Sinnott and also see the key class messages and posts from our exciting learning.
Our timetable reflects the whole school timetable however is tailored to suit the pupils in our base. Pupils access specific subjects in their mainstream year groups.
Visual Timetable - Each day, a visual timetable will display the day's activities.
To find out more information about the curriculum your child is accessing, please click the links below to the class pages 
Home Learning
Every day your child will bring home a levelled reading book and a reading book they have chosen for pleasure. Please return these daily so we can praise the children for reading at home and see what they how they have been reading at home.
Each Thursday, your child will bring home their home learning log with an open homework task included. These are to be brought in the following Tuesday to share with the teacher and the rest of the class.
Daily access to Bug Club or Read Theory will further support your child's reading progress.
Daily access to Numbots or TT Rockstars will help improve your child's maths fluency.
Please see the links below.