Mrs L Eaton
Chairperson (Co Opted Governor)
Message from the Chair of Governors
Welcome to Eastway Primary School website on behalf of the governors, a committed group of volunteers whose core business is to improve the school; we do this through working as a team to support, challenge and contribute to the strategic leadership of the school.
Governors do not get involved in the day to day running of the school but complement the Headteacher and leadership team in working to secure the best learning experience and outcomes for the children. It is also important is to monitor the allocation of public funds and the use of other resources, including the premises, to ensure value for money and provision of the most effective learning environment for the children. We want all the children at Eastway to thrive, to enjoy their time at school and to develop their potential to become happy and fulfilled with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes to equip them for success in this, and the next stage, of their school careers.
Governors attend regular scheduled meetings and make visits to the school by arrangement. They bring a wide variety of skills, backgrounds and experience to the Governing Body but have a common aim to make a positive difference to the school. You can find out who the current governors are below. Parent governors are elected by other parents and make a particularly important contribution, so if you would like to make enquiries about possible current vacancies for this role please contact the school office.
I hope you find the website interesting, informative, useful and easy to navigate; if you don’t or have any suggestions for improvement please contact the school office.
If you need to contact me this can also be done through the school office.
Lyn Eaton
Chair of Governors
Mrs L Eaton
Chair of Governors Co-opted Governor appointed July 2018 - Term of office until July 2026
Mrs E Morris
Headteacher Governor
Mr L Thomas
Staff Governor - Appointed July 2022 - Term of office until July 2026
Mr J Morlino
Parent Governor - Appointed December 2022 - Term of office until December 2026
Ms C Mander
Parent Governor - Appointed December 2022 - Term of office until December 2026
Ms K Irvine
Co-Opted Governor - Appointed March 2020 - Term of office until March 2024
Miss K Barlow
Co-opted Governor - Appointed July 2023 - Term of office until July 2027
Mr W Babumba
Co-opted Governor - Appointed March 2023 - Term of office until March 2027
Mr R Barnes
Co-opted Governor - Appointed May 2022 - Term of office until May 2026
Mrs Joanne Simpson
LA Governor Co-opted February 2022 end of term Feb 2026
Mrs Sarah Tennant
Co-opted Governor - Appointed May 2022 - Term of office until May 2026
Mrs Fiona Lewis
Clerk to Governors