Miss K Blake
Mrs N Stewart
Miss T Gumley
Teaching Assistant
Welcome to Year 4's class page!
Here you will find information on our current topics, our daily routine and extra links to help with home learning.
Reading is so important and we encourage children to bring their reading books to school daily. Children have access to Times Tables Rock Stars and are encouraged to log in daily to improve their times table fluency.
If you have any questions or queries please don't hesitate to contact us on year4@eastway.wirral.sch.uk
Miss Blake, Mrs Stewart and Miss Gumley
Each day children should read for 15-20mins, entering this into their reading log. Your child should bring their completed reading record book into school in the morning.
Children have access to TT Rockstars which they can use to support learning of times tables and fluency.
Keep an eye out on the school website for updates relating to home learning!
If you would like to do further practice of key skills, please use the links to online practice below.
If your child has forgotten their login, please email me on year4@eastway.wirral.sch.uk and I'll send them over to you.