PE at Eastway

PE Intent

At Eastway, we aim for our PE curriculum to be:

  • Well Designed and Delivered, fulfilling the requirements of the National Curriculum.  We lay the foundations needed for successful learning through the robust delivery of our Easter Matters Early Years Curriculum which is tailored to pupil's needs 
  • Knowledge-Rich so that children build deep knowledge in PE that they return to and build upon as they move through school
  • Closing the Gap: we carefully check children have the prior learning they need to be successful in a lesson and take action to support them fill any gaps they may have.  We also check how well they are acquiring new knowledge in the lesson to adapt the lesson to their needs and provide additional support or challenge for children who need so that all children achieve our ambitious learning focus.
  • Bring Learning to Life as children have real-life experiences of PE in their world
  • Develop children as active, independent learners who are Ready, Respectful, Responsible
  • Develop children physical fitness and awareness of how to live a healthy life
  • Love learning about PE!
PE Implementation at Eastway 
To achieve these aims, we have carefully mapped out exactly what children learn in each year group, the summary of this is shown below:

  Teachers use Wirral EQ planning from Reception to Year 6.

  • Children are expected to wear a PE kit consisting of a t-shirt and black shorts provided by school. Children should bring a pair of pumps/trainers to school which is added to their PE kit.
  • Children must remove jewelry and watches before taking part in lessons.
  • Long hair should be tied up and away from their face.


In our PE lessons you should see:

  1. Warm up
  • Children must be physically active, increasing their heart rate, stretch their muscles and prepare for the physical requirements of the lesson.
  • Children explore the differences between still heart rate and active heart rate and changes in breathing.

Examples:  Traffic light game, disk and domes, mental maths groupings, teacher says….

  1. Introduction
  • Discuss learning outcomes from previous lesson.
  • Share learning objectives/outcomes.


  1. Physical competence
  • Remind children of previous learning objectives e.g 5 basic shapes in gymnastics.
  • Introduce new learning – modelled by teacher or peer to peer.
  • Use my turn/your turn/our turn to develop their new skills.
  • In gymnastics – children would practise skills to create a sequence. In dance – the children would combine moves to create a short dance performance. In games – children will practise new skills individually/partners.


  1. Thinking and decision making
  • Recap on lesson and previous and how skills have developed
  • In games – children apply skills to a game. In gymnastics – sequence to be performed to peers. In dance - dance performed to peers.


  1. Thinking – improving performance
  • Sharing of good examples – adult to adult and peer to peer.
  • ‘Magpie’ examples to improve own or group performance
  • Teacher will share next week’s targets.


  1. Cool down
  • Move slowly around the area.
  • Repeat stretches from warm up with less intensity.
PE Impact
To check your child has learned what we have intended them to, we set short tasks within lessons to see how much your child has understood and adapt our lessons from their to meet their needs.  
To get a picture of what your child is retaining over time, we use the prior learning checks at the beginning of each lesson, complete quizzes at the end of each week, look at the work they have completed in their books and complete end of unit impact summaries.  These reviews of learning are completed by their class teacher, our PE lead and our SLT. 
We will let you know how your child is getting on in PE in their end of year report.
If you would like any further information, please contact your child's class teacher or contact the school office.