Year 3

Mr Ryan Saunderson

Class Teacher

Mrs Katrina Jones


Year 3 Class Page
Welcome to the Year 3 Class page. Here you will find information on our current topics, our daily routine and extra links to help with home learning.
We are extremely excited to start a brand new year and look forward to taking on the roles of: writer, mathematician, scientist, artist and an all-round explorer with year 3.
This year in Year 3, we are delighted to be using elements of enhanced provision in our learning. This will help us  explore our learning in an independent, active and engaging way.
What do you think we may be learning about?
You can always contact us with any questions or queries using this email:  
Every morning:
Reading 9:10 - 9:40
Writing: 9:40-10:30
Break: 10:30 - 10:40
10:40 - 11:50am - Maths
11:45-12:00 - Handwriting/Spelling
Lunch - 12:00-1:00pm
1:00pm-1:15pm - Times Tables
Afternoon Lessons Autumn Term:
Monday - Science and PHSE
Tuesday - History/Geography
Wednesday - PE and Computing
Thursday - Music and French
Friday - Art/DT and RE
Each day children should read for 15-20mins, entering this into their reading log.
This year, books will be swapped every Thursday alongside the children's pink homework books. They will receive two books on every swap; one for pleasure and one to challenge. 
In Year 3, children will also have opportunity to have Times Table Rockstars and Read Theory at home. Log in details will be stuck in the front of reading logs. In Year 3, the learning of new times tables is very important so as much support at home with accessing TT Rockstars would be very beneficial. 
Weekly spellings will be sent home to practise every Thursday, spelling tests on the following Wednesday.
If you would like to do further practice of key skills, please use the links to online practice below.  
If your child has forgotten their login, please email me on and I'll send them over to you.
Further Information