Discovery Base

Mrs N Grabe

Class teacher

Mrs E Stanley

Teaching Assistant

Miss J Spamer

Teaching Assistant

Mr J Hancock

Teaching Assistant

Welcome to Discovery Base

Our aim in Discovery is to involve all children in the social and academic life of the school wherever possible. We strive to provide positive learning experiences for all our children. We recognise that some children with Social and Communication Difficulties can find the world confusing and often miss-leading.  We see each child as an individual and it is our aim to tailor a curriculum that is rich in enjoyment and specific to the needs of our children. 

Teaching approaches that are used within the resource bases are tailored to the individual and incorporate thinking from a wide range of sources, including: social stories, visual prompts and structured short burst teaching. The curriculum is weighted to address the personal, social and communication needs of the pupils.  The 'little base' includes a sensory room, a work based learning room for table activities, and a continuous provision room that nurtures curiosity and allows for a play based curriculum. Our continuous provision room also has access to our beautiful outdoor area. 

Discovery Read Write Inc 
Discovery Maths Curriculum 
Visual Timetables 
Our timetable reflects the whole school timetable however is tailored to suit the pupils in our base. Pupils access specific subjects in their mainstream year groups.
Visual Timetable - Each day, a visual timetable will display the day's activities.
To find out more information about the curriculum your child is accessing, please click the links below to the class pages.
Discovery Base AM Timetable 
KS1 AM Timetable 
Discovery Base PM Timetable 
Year 2, 3 and 4 Curriculum Pages
Each day children should read for 10-15mins, entering this into their reading log, complete one column of spellings and one table of times tables.  Your child should bring their completed reading, spelling and times tables books into school each morning.
Each week we will also set a more open ended home-learning task linked to what children have been learning in school.  In the task, we will let you know what we have been learning in class and give you some ideas for how to show off your learning, but you are not limited to this: be as creative as you like! These should be completed as a double page in their home-learning log.  We hope this gives opportunity for you to talk with your child about what they have been learning and then develop their creativity in how they will show this.  Home-learning logs should be returned to school every Tuesday and will be sent back home with a new task each Thursday.
If you would like to do further practice of key skills, please use the links to online practice below.  
If your child has forgotten their login, please email me on and I'll send them over to you.
Further Information
Class Dojo
Please remember to connect to our class Dojo if you haven't already. Here, you will be able to directly communicate with Mrs Grabe and also see the key class messages and share any questions or concerns. If you require a log in please contact the class email. 
Forest School and Life Skills at Eastway Primary 
We aim for all our students to develop functional skills for living so they are able to lead a fulfilling and substantially independent life. We recognise that for young people with autism every experience may provide a learning experience. Our approach to teaching functional skills and life skills is at the core of our curriculum where our framework can be taught within the programmes of study and the schemes of work. Input from the speech and language therapist, occupational therapist and other professionals supports the delivery of the life skills curriculum through personalised programmes. 

Our curriculum includes ample opportunity to develop life skills through the experience of daily activities both on and off site. Furthermore, there is a key focus to each topic or area taught and these are integrated across the day in addition to discrete sessions. There is a strong emphasis on working in partnership with families to ensure the teaching of life skills span across the student’s day including before and after school.