PSHE & RSE Intent
At Eastway, we aim for our PSHE and RSE curriculum to be:
- Well Designed and Delivered, fulfilling the requirements of the Department for Education's statutory guidance. We lay the foundations needed for successful learning through the robust delivery of our Easter Matters Early Years Curriculum which is tailored to pupil's needs
- Knowledge-Rich so that children build deep knowledge in PSHE & RSE that they return to and build upon as they move through school
- Closing the Gap: we carefully check children have the prior learning they need to be successful in a lesson and take action to support them fill any gaps they may have. We also check how well they are acquiring new knowledge in the lesson to adapt the lesson to their needs and provide additional support or challenge for children who need so that all children achieve our ambitious learning focus.
- Bring Learning to Life as children have real-life experiences of developing positive lifestyles relationships as they see PSHE and RSE in the world they live and
- To embrace their own individuality and sense of self with confidence
- To embrace the individuality of others and challenge stereotypes
- All about their bodies and how they change as they get older
- What healthy relationships look like and how to develop these, focusing on relationships with family and friends
- How to keep safe, including first aid, internet safety and looking after their mental well-being
- What bullying is and what to do if they think they or someone else is being bullied
- How to be positive citizen of Moreton, UK and the world
- Develop their aspirations for what they would like to do when they are older and how to manage their money
- Develop children as active, independent learners who are Ready, Respectful, Responsible
- Love learning about PSHE & RSE!
Lessons should focus on practical work, discussion and reflection rather than long written outcomes
Teachers should model the tolerance and empathy they want to develop in children and challenge any stereotypes or intolerance they hear in discussion
Discussion should focus on curiosity rather than finding a right or wrong answer
We welcome children to ask questions in their lessons, though we must be aware that children may ask questions that go beyond what we have agreed to cover with families and governors. Teachers will respond to questions sensitively, only giving out information agreed in the PSHE and RSE progression document. If children want to know more than this, we will advise them to talk to an adult at home about it.
Most lessons should include opportunities for children to reflect on themselves and any changes they would like to make
We explicitly teach British values through our PSHE and RSE lessons.
Parents and carers are entitled to withdraw children from some RSE lessons. Please speak to headteacher you wish to makes this request.